The Mind and Body Connection

The first step to reducing anxiety is step toward evolving self awareness. Extreme anxiety can be caused by traumatic learning which builds centers of neural pathways in the brain relating to the negative impacts we may have experienced. When re-visiting stressful circumstances related to these triggers, anxiety may increase in the mind and body. Symptoms may include shortness of breath, chest pain, paralysis, headaches, nervousness, fear, an uneasy feeling etc. It is the the body’s way of protecting us from what it may perceive as threats.

Repeating stressful events and trauma creates the emission of chemicals in the body including cortisol and adrenaline into the system. This starts the cycle of anxious feelings and inflammation which greatly contribute to chronic anxiety disorder. Being aware of this cycle will better enable us to overcoming these challenges of anxiety.

It is important to practice calming behaviors and reduce stress. These actions reduce anxiety over time when there is consistence. Break the anxiety producing cycle by practicing and repeating behaviors such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, exercise, nature walks, massage, going to the beach, taking a bath etc. This is the way to improve anxiety and bring out tranquil feelings.

Practice calming actions and we will manifest more calm feelings because we are building neural pathways in the mind that may help surpass and prune the stressor pathways. By practicing these actions, we may build brain centers for calm feelings in the brain. This is the reason meditation and other calming actions, like hiking, help people feel better in mind and body over time. What we practice we become physiologically. 




Many people do not realize that nutrition is crucial to attaining mental well-being. When there is a diet high in free radicals and sugar, systemic inflammation becomes detrimental to the mind and body. Simply put, eating a whole, balanced, organic diet and hydrating well with water goes a long way in helping the body maintain homeostasis and pruning out anxious feelings.


There are many infectious energies we expose ourselves to every day without even being aware of them. Television exposure and media influences may be toxic on a grand scale to our mental health. Media may fill your psyche with emotional turmoil. These influences affect our morale, mood, and may also fabricate irrational thoughts in your mind. Watching uplifting and funny programs can create better mood and feelings. Remember everything we expose ourselves to affects who we are, how we think, and what we feel. Being conscious of our surroundings will help lessen exposure to influences which may infect the psyche.

Avoiding toxic people is important. Continual exposure to gossipy and negative friends and family will infect our energy. This takes away our positive vibes and creates increased anxiety feelings. What we are around naturally absorbs into us. If around negativity enough, our brain physiology will slowly mirror those we are exposed to. This is how children often mirror their parents. We don’t have to deal with toxic people as we can make the effort to avoid them. This is a big part of self care and making our well-being priority. Just as we might avoid physical toxins, it’s important to avoid negative energy in life from people too.


Tone Down the Environment

We can be surprised by how much of a difference changing our environment  can make in how we feel. Make the home calming by using lighter colors which soothe and provides a frame for harmony. Use serene color schemes which may include light colors like pale yellow, cream, white, celery to promote relaxation. Bold, dark colors are naturally depressive. Buy an air cleaner to ensure the air is lighter and cleaner. Cleaner air will help lessen heaviness felt in the chest. Let the sun in. Sunlight has monumental positive effects on mental health.

Getting organized helps reduce anxiety. People often don’t realize self sabotage when it is happening because it can manifest as routine forgetfulness. Those with high anxiety tend to procrastinate because they put off encountering stressors instead of dealing with things head on.

Dealing with stressors head on is uncomfortable for many. Bills are often paid late, appointments missed due to conveniently forgetting, laundry doesn’t get done etc. Even when we forget on the surface to do something important, it can still be there lingering in the subconscious creating anxiety for us.

The Tangible Method: Create a plan where important tasks are noted on a paper list. Tackle each task based on priority then, use a yellow highlighter to cross off the task when it accomplished. This is the simple routine I created for my Nursing staff that is called the tangible method. When you write it down, it becomes something tangible that is not easily forgotten. The action of highlighting the task will create a sense of organization and accomplishment. Getting more organized and utilizing simple structure will have huge impacts on anxiety felt. When we use more senses in managing our plan for follow through we will be more successful. The simple action of writing the task down and crossing it off when it is completed may help facilitate follow through. 

The Box

Visualize yourself standing in a big box with all different influences bouncing off the walls onto you. Each hit from every piece makes its mark on you depending on its weight, shape, and speed. Some pieces are bigger than others making bigger marks. Some pieces are circular which roll off smoothly. Some triangular pieces cut much deeper. Circular heavy shapes impact hard in a blunt manner superficially.

Some elements which may be striking you in your box include childhood events, media influences, family pressures, relationships, social class influences, traumatic experiences, lifestyle factors, and much more.

Now, ask yourself these questions:

What has molded your belief systems?

Are you being affected by toxic external influences by friends, family, or coworkers?

What role does the media play in creating your reality?

Have you had traumatic events in life which have damaged you?

Do you have toxic friends or family members who infect your energy?

Does external stress cause behavioral changes in you?

How does your nutritional style affect your health and how you feel?

What lifestyle or cultural factors affect who you are? 

 Stepping Out of the Box

When we visualize stepping out of this full, contaminated box into a different place. This place is peaceful where our own thoughts can develop based on objective reason. Our own personal truth can prevail over all the negative influences in life. Striving to be our tru-est when we make this first step to step out of the box. Open the mind to the possibility of emancipating the negative wiring. 

  • Develop higher awareness of self and environment.
  • Evaluate how certain life influences affect negative feelings.
  • Reduce contamination from the world.
  • Practice calming behaviors.

A conscious mind has more ability to understand the self and find its own personal balance and peace. This process is important in becoming our best selves and figuring out how to overcome anxiety.

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